Nhảy đến nội dung

Seminar khoa học của ThS. Lê Trí Đạt và CN. Thái Quỳnh Mai

Vào 8h45 ngày 04/8/2023, Viện IAST tổ chức buổi trao đổi học thuật tại phòng họp B với nội dung chi tiết như sau: 

ThS. Lê Trí Đạt trình bày về "Mode shape and frequency of torsional vibration in overhang-shaped cantilevers"

Tóm tắt:

The torsional mode of the atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilevers has been widely used in various measurements with high AFM sensitivity. In this study, we conduct a detailed calculation of the frequency and mode shape of the overhang-varying cantilevers in the case of torsional oscillation. The frequency and mode shape of any higher-order mode could be obtained. The change in the mode shape and frequency has been clearly presented where the mode shape presents several maxima for increasing overhang length. This gives a fruitful method for the experimentalist to choose the suitable geometric parameters for the cantilever targeting a specific frequency.

CN. Thái Quỳnh Mai trình bày về "Nanoparticles in relation to the amyloid peptide aggregation process" - Bài tổng quan của Zaman và các đồng nghiệp được công bố trên tạp chí Int J Nanomedicine.

Tóm tắt

Nanoparticles are today very common in nature and as functional ingredients in cosmetic products as well as in medicine. The nucleation and aggregation process of peptides can be significantly affected by nanoparticles. Moreover, the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression is implicated to the aggregation of peptides into amyloid fibrils, leading to the formation of toxic Aβ oligomers. Therefore, in this work, the various effects that nanoparticles have on the amyloid peptide aggregation process were investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. The results observed will potentially enhance AD therapy.