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Minimum energy combined and separated bounds on elastic constants of transversely-isotropic composites

Chúng tôi vui mừng thông báo rằng GS. Phạm Đức Chính và các đồng nghiệp gần đây đã xuất bản công trình của họ có tựa đề "Minimum energy combined and separated bounds on elastic constants of transversely-isotropic composites" in the International Journal of Solids and Structures


The considered linearly-elastic transversely-isotropic composite (TIC) is composed of n isotropic, or more generally, transversely-isotropic components sharing the materials’ common symmetry axis with that of the macroscopic material. Using the basic minimum energy and complementary energy principles with certain free-parameter-dependent mixed-longitudinal-transverse-mode strain and stress trial fields, various combination bounds involving some sets of the macroscopic (effective) mixed-mode elastic constants of the composite, which are inter-connected via the constitutive relations, have been established. Choosing the appropriate parameter values of/or optimizing over the free parameters in those inequalities, the separated bounds on the major effective mixed-transverse-longitudinal-mode elastic constants, including the transverse bulk modulus Keff, the longitudinal Young modulus Eeff, and the longitudinal Poisson’s ratio νeff, are derived, beside the classical arithmetic and harmonic average bounds on the pure-mode ones — the transverse shear (μeff) and longitudinal shear (μ̄eff) moduli. The separated bounds on 4 remaining effective mixed-mode elastic constants are also obtained. The illustrative numerical comparisons of the bounds, in the two component case, with those for the special subclass of unidirectional transversely-isotropic composites (UTIC), having the unidirectional cylindrical boundaries between the component materials parallel to their symmetry axis, and the exact coated-cylinder assemblage and laminate models are presented. The extreme models cover substantial parts between the bounds for TIC; however the laminate models lie outside the bounds for the subclass UTIC.