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Development Orientation

IAST is committed to fulfilling several core missions:

1.    Implement a contemporary management framework aimed at attracting highly skilled scientists while nurturing a culture of creativity, accountability, and ownership. IAST fosters an environment of open communication and collaboration, empowering researchers to spearhead groundbreaking scientific advancements. By employing modern managerial practices, IAST creates an atmosphere that inspires scientists to excel and take responsibility for their work. It encourages a culture of innovation and critical thinking, enabling researchers to explore unconventional ideas and push the boundaries of knowledge.
2.    Perform interdisciplinary research: IAST engages in cutting-edge interdisciplinary research, employing a combination of theoretical, computational, artificial intelligence, and experimental approaches. By bringing together experts from diverse fields, IAST aims to tackle significant scientific challenges that have societal benefits.

3.    Develop technologies and products: Building upon the foundation laid by basic research, IAST focuses on translating scientific discoveries into practical applications. Through the development of technologies and products, IAST aims to address real-life problems and contribute to advancements in various industries.

4.    Transfer knowledge, skills, and technologies: IAST recognizes the importance of sharing knowledge and expertise with external organizations in both the public and private sectors. By facilitating the transfer of knowledge, skills, and technologies, IAST aims to foster collaboration and bridge the gap between academia and industry.

5.    Educate and train world-class scientists: IAST places great emphasis on education and training, striving to nurture highly qualified researchers. By providing a stimulating learning environment, IAST aims to produce scientists with the skills and knowledge to make significant contributions in their respective fields.

6.    Foster collaboration: Collaboration is a key aspect of IAST's mission. The institute actively seeks partnerships with both domestic and international research and education institutions. By fostering collaboration, IAST aims to promote knowledge exchange, share resources, and undertake joint projects to address complex scientific challenges.